Friday, September 26, 2014

Patriot Frances Farmer & The Real Communists - VIDEO & Commentary

Image result for frances farmer

This article was originally posted at:
www DOT
Below is a short clip from the film, 'Frances', which is a dramatic film about the life, trials problems, and accomplishments of the late Frances Farmer, a very talented film actress who may have undergone a lobotomy just before or around the time of the House Un-American Activities Committee, aka the H.U.A.C., which were the Communist witch hunts for so-called 'Reds' among U.S. citizens, etc..
Timelines are important since the real Frances Farmer had allegedly, discovered the names of the top Hollywood Communists and may not have accepted their wishes. By some accounts, she had been invited to a party at the home of a Jewish Hollywood producer. Other account(s) may claim Frances was on the way to or from a party for actress Deanna Durbin who eventually left the U.S. for good.
Was Frances Farmer 'Setup' for the Traffic Stop, Jailing, then the Asylum?
There are articles online suggesting that Frances Farmer had gone to a party at the movie producer's home and she was drugged. She then left the party and was soon traffic-stopped, etc., jailed after fighting with the officer and subsequently sent to a mental health asylum. The immediate committing of Frances to the asylum looks so circumspect due to 1. her knowledge of who the top Hollywood Communists were, and 2. the then upcoming H.U.A.C. hearings where she, undoubtedly, would have been required to testify, had she not been committed.

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