Nuclear firefighters: Workers in protective clothing tackle the blaze at Windscale (later known as Sellafield) in Cumbria in 1957.
Andrew McKillop
The Founding Disasters
What we can call the Founding Nuclear Disasters have already occurred several times. These included the British Winscale disaster (the site was renamed Sellafield), and the Ukrainian Chernobyl and Japanese Fukushima disasters – each of the second two has cost or will cost hundreds of billions of dollars to manage. Fallout from Chernobyl across Europe led to large numbers of cancer deaths in the 28 years after 1986. But for the moment enough is not enough! Humanity, or at least its elites who think, act and decide for voter sheep, want more nuclear disasters.
Nuclear power is “low carbon” and almost independent of fossil fuels; for example the fossil fuels needed to mine and process uranium fuel, and build nuclear power plants, and decommission them, and bring their employees to work each day in their “fuel efficient” sedan cars, and take them home each night on tarmac covered roads – this hardly needs fossil fuels at all! Flying the nuclear sales lobby around the world to give “breathtaking insights” on the all-new reactor designs for the low carbon future hardly needs fossil fuels – but does need rhetoric and hypocrisy. Low carbon, you know!
Above all, nuclear power is essential for the production of atomic weapons, either clean or dirty. Nuclear power is provenly good for war!
Wow what a Great Information World Day its very nice informative post. thanks for the post.
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