Thursday, October 3, 2013

Surprise, surprise! The Frost suit against Charlevoix County judge Richard Pajtas is dimissed.

I just found this on the front page of the Boyne City Gazette. As I predicted in my earlier post about this case, federal judge Robert Jonker once again chooses to do the wrong thing for the people. See link to my family's nightmare and quest for justice that wasted years of my life because Jonker always seems to pick the wrong side in cases before him. The Good Old Boys strike again.!!

Read what we know about this case here:

Frost Case Dismissed

Frost Case Dismissed

Sep 30 2013
The lawsuit against Charlevoix 33rd Circuit Judge Richard M. Pajtas was recently dismissed by United States District Judge Robert J. Jonker of the Western District of Michigan, Southern
Here is how it works. To give the appearance of fairness, these rats let you spend all of your money trying to exercise your rights only to dismiss at the 11th hour. What can one do when the criminals are running the show? That is what Jonker did to my son, who was locked up and tortured in Havenwyck Psychiatric Hospital in Auburn Hill for 17 months when he was 11 years old.
Here is what we know about Jonker so far(speaking from experience):
Our deepest sympathy to the Frost family, who had their life's work stolen from them by the local evildoers. I am interested in hearing more about this case.

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