Sunday, October 6, 2013

Urgent Need to Understand the "Butterfly Effect" Between

Understanding Ripple Effects
Linked to High-Level Corruption
The least-understood, and one of the most important factors in the tragedies inflicted upon the American people, and of great harm to the fabric of the United States, is the ripple  or "Butterfly Effect." Great tragedies result from seemingly far remote activities. The following are samples of the "butterfly effect" upon the lives of the American people and people throughout the world. Until this is recognized, the causes and consequences will continue to worsen. And they certainly have worsened since the links were first explained by the  generally unrecognized corruption-fighting whistleblower behind this Internet site. First, a brief and more easily understood sampling of corrupt acts and their consequences:
Worst Consequences in the Nation's History
  • Department of Justice personnel deep-sixing advance information of planned al Qaeda attacks provided by a mole in the al Qaeda cell and his attorney. The butterfly effect of that corrupt actintended to prevent public exposure of FBI-DOJ personnel involvement in decades of murdersresulted in the worst series of terrorist attacks upon U.S. interests in the nation's history. Details:
    • Downing of TWA Flight 800 shortly after taking off from JFK Airport in New York--as stated by al Qaeda operative to Mafiosi mole, and as provided to FBI agents in the New York City offices by the mole and his New York City attorney.
    • Bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzaniaagain, as forewarned.
    • In addition:
      • Two of the longest wars in U.S. history.
      • Catalyst for the greatest growth of people wanting to kill Americans.
      • Trillions in related costs affecting the financial quality of life.
      • Catalyst for the Nazi-like secret surveillance of the people.
    • Details and evidence in such books at History of Aviation Disasters: 1950 to 9/11; Terrorism and Deadliest Enabling Scandals of 21st Century; Crimes of the FBI-DOJ, Mafia, and Al Qaeda.

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