Urgent! In the absence of our former editor Ms. Wendy Beal we are in the process of resurrecting this much needed information hub. Every American needs to investigate the alleged increase in water withdrawal from Michigan by the Nestle corporation. This proposal will result in 4 million gallons per day and the water will be sold to china, this water belongs to every American citizen not any individual corporation. Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota governors need to maintain there public oath of office and insure that the great lakes are protected. The public comments period has been extended to December 3rd and it is essential for every citizen to become proactive especially in lieu of the water crisis that we are all experiencing in our own country, i e Napa valley and Flint. Hopefully Donald trump and his new administration can hear the public out cry and protect our water. Please do you're part to disseminate the information and become involved.
A few years ago a documentary video called Blue Gold was filmed by Jessie Ventura. The video has since vanished if you can locate it, it is worth viewing. Some of the allegations were that china has been for years dragging bladders behind freighters to America and disposing sewage and industrial waste water into the waters of the united states and then capturing millions of gallons of our fresh water to recharge the Chinese aquifers. This should come as an insult to all Americans. Hopefully through a concerted effort we can expose the corruption of our water and recapture the integrity once known to our precious great lakes. Please assist us in any way possible and we will be bringing much more information to the blog. Thank you for visiting the pretty lie or the ugly truth where we remain dedicated to exposing corruption where ever we find it. In closing are many contributors and public comments to our blog will be shared as we reorganize.
This is some of the related criteria for these allegations. Sent to us by one of our contributors.
The Pretty Lie or The Ugly Truth
"Someone who does not know the difference between good and evil is worth nothing." – Miecyslaw Kasprzyk, Polish rescuer of Jews during the Holocaust, New York Times, Jan. 30, 2005
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Resurfacing Soon
We at The Pretty Lie or the Ugly Truth have reconvened with our constituents after the tragic loss of Wendy Beal. If you haven't had occasion to view the memorial that we recently posted, please take the time to learn what our former editor, the late Wendy Beal, was all about. In the interest of justice, we will be more diligent as we reorganize and we will be adding some other features of other endeavors relating to technologies that may be the solutions for world hunger, access to clean water, alternative energies, life extension, and many other ambitions. As always, we remain committed to exposing those - especially those in public office - who go outside the scope of their authority to inflict harm on the innocent through selective and malicious prosecution and ruthlessness, capriciousness, and diabolically operating in the theater of justice. We will continue to utilize our assets to convict them, at least in the court of public opinion. Please stay tuned as we will be posting continuously as will be reporting on events of interest to our viewers. Thank you for vising the Pretty Lie or the Ugly Truth, where integrity is our first priority.
Saturday, July 30, 2016
To everyone
It is with deep sorrow that we must inform our followers of the Pretty Lie or the Ugly Truth blog that our angelic friend, co-founder and editor Wendy Beal has unexpectedly passed away from a massive heart attack at the age of 49, two months before she would celebrate a half-century of life as we know it. Wendy Beal remains with us in spirit until we meet again on some golden shore far away from the pain and suffering her life brought her. Through no fault of her own. She was a survivor of horrific abuse and yet she emerged as a bird with a broken wing, and somehow retained the sweet song that God placed within her. She forgave those who violated her and devoted her life to the afflicted, for she could not stand to see those in need suffer for any reason whatsoever. She dedicated her life to the pursuit of justice and the defense for women, children and the vulnerable against the wicked who deliberately inflicted harm upon them. Wendy gave more than she had and demonstrated courage and diligence in exposing those who breached their oath of public office and violated the trust of the public. It was her position - along with ours - that when the criminal justice and civil courts fail, and when corruption prevails, all that remains is the court of public opinion. Consistent with our mission statement, we continue to illuminate evildoers who harm others wherever they reside. Our crusade could have never been realized but not for the love and compassion Wendy contributed. She will always be an inspiration for our cause.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
The Good Old Boys Strike Again - A Wink and a Nudge (Some Questions for Michigan Attorney General Bill Scheutte)
The Pretty Lie would like to comment on the recent statements of Attorney General Bill Schuette. He was just on the Steve Gruber show (WJIM) commenting on the criminal charges of Stuart Dunnings.
The Attorney General even put out a press release where he stated “We live in a time where people wonder if government actually works. People wonder if the system is rigged. People wonder whether we have a “wink and a nod” justice system where the chosen few skate and escape punishment because of who they know or because they hold an important position in government. Well, let me be very direct and crystal clear. The system in Michigan is not rigged, not on my watch."
The comment I want to make is this: the sitting prosecutor in Charlevoix has committed several criminal acts and Mr. Schuette has chosen to give him a wink and a nod.
The Charlevoix Prosecuting attorney committed two election law violations- one a misdemeanor and one is felony perjury.
- Mr. Schuette was written many letters asking him to prosecute Mr. Telgenhof. Instead of prosecuting the Charlevoix Prosecutor, his Criminal Division Chief Richard Cunningham personally called Telgenhof and just told him to file his paperwork.
That is a wink and a nod from the Attorney General.
Not only did the Attorney General not prosecute him, but 90 days later Mr. Schuette proudly used the Charlevoix Prosecutor’s “political endorsement” in his re-election campaign.
The character of Mr. Telgenhof is fully displayed on the blogsite The Pretty Lie or the Ugly Truth.
- listen to the 911 call, see the bounced checks, the improper use of the county credit card …….
- this is the character and integrity of the person that the Attorney General used as an endorser.
While the words of Attorney General Schuette were very powerful, his actions don’t follow what he said. The election law violations are in black and white and in Mr. Telgenhof’s own handwriting. How can Mr. Schuette claim the wink and a nod system is not going to happen under his watch, when it is clear that it still going on.
A Wink and a Nod from Telgenhof
Domestic violence charge against wife of prominent GOP strategist dismissed
CHARLEVOIX COUNTY, MI – One of two domestic violence charges against the wife of a high-profile Republican strategist has been dismissed because the defendant has had "a wake-up call of sorts," according to the prosecutor.
Erica Yob, 36, was charged with assaulting her husband -- national political consultant John Yob -- in Charlevoix County on Jan. 3, and was released from jail after posting a $1,000 bond.
John Yob is the national political director and a chief strategist for Republican presidential candidate U.S. Sen. Rand Paul.
The case against Erica Yob was delayed in order to allow her to seek counseling until this week, when Prosecutor Allen Telgenhof dismissed the charge without prejudice, meaning he has the option to refile the charge. Telgenhof said the case was dismissed because Erica Yob sought treatment for unspecified issues that Telgenhof believes contributed to the incident.
"Under the circumstances, I don't believe at this time that she presents a threat to anyone," Telgenhof said in an email to The Grand Rapids Press and MLive. "It appears that this incident was a wake-up call of sorts, and she has responded appropriately."
Read More:http://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/index.ssf/2015/04/one_of_two_charges_dismissed_a.html
The Prosecutor
Back in 2011 the Prosecutor got himself into a bit of trouble. The details are important because the way he was treated by law enforcement and the court varies widely with the way Joe off the street would be treated.
On May 21, 2011, Telgenhof’s wife called 911 to report domestic violence on Allen Telgenhof.
On May 21, 2011, Telgenhof’s wife called 911 to report domestic violence on Allen Telgenhof.
His wife’s handwritten statement to the police:
“I was sitting on the livingroom couch and Al came in the living room accusing me of texting an old boyfriend on another telephone. He tackled me on the couch and held me down preventing me from getting my cell phone. He was reaching in my shirt and down in the couch trying to find a cell phone. I tried many, many times to get up and to scream, but Allen kept shoving his hand over my mouth to prevent me from screaming for help. I could not breath. When he would take his hand off my mouth, I would again scream and he put it back on again. He also bit me at least three times. I told him I wanted my phone to call 911 and he prevented me from doing that. He told me he knew the law and that as long as I wasn’t in the process of making a cell call that he would not be in trouble for not letting me have my phone to call 911. I tried to get the phone by kicking it toward me with my foot, but was unable. Many times I was unable to breath. He told me no one would help me. He finally let me up, but would not give me my cell phone to make a 911call. I finally used the house phone.” From the FOIA Request
The 911 tape https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8vbQh1II8q9bVBrSHl5aElXbTQ/edit?usp=sharing
“I was sitting on the livingroom couch and Al came in the living room accusing me of texting an old boyfriend on another telephone. He tackled me on the couch and held me down preventing me from getting my cell phone. He was reaching in my shirt and down in the couch trying to find a cell phone. I tried many, many times to get up and to scream, but Allen kept shoving his hand over my mouth to prevent me from screaming for help. I could not breath. When he would take his hand off my mouth, I would again scream and he put it back on again. He also bit me at least three times. I told him I wanted my phone to call 911 and he prevented me from doing that. He told me he knew the law and that as long as I wasn’t in the process of making a cell call that he would not be in trouble for not letting me have my phone to call 911. I tried to get the phone by kicking it toward me with my foot, but was unable. Many times I was unable to breath. He told me no one would help me. He finally let me up, but would not give me my cell phone to make a 911call. I finally used the house phone.” From the FOIA Request
The 911 tape https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8vbQh1II8q9bVBrSHl5aElXbTQ/edit?usp=sharing
Wrist slap sentence for wife of political bigshot who was accused twice of domestic assault
The charges against the wife of a GOP big shot accused of domestic violence were not dropped in KentCounty this week. But Erica Yob will not go to jail either. She has been granted permission to join a diversionary program.
Read more: http://www.woodradio.com/articles/wood-news-125494/wrist-slap-sentence-for-wife-of-13549114/#ixzz434vw1SsW
GOP strategist John Yob assaulted by wife twice in 24 days, police say
CHARLEVOIX COUNTY, MI -- The domestic violence arrest of Erica Yob, the wife of national GOP political consultant John Yob, on Jan. 27 was her second alleged assault on her husband in a 24-day span, court records in Charlevoix County show.
The earlier accusation against Erica Yob, 36, comes from a 9:30 p.m. Jan. 3 complaint that lists John Yob as the victim, a Charlevoix County court clerk said Thursday.
READ MORE:http://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/index.ssf/2015/02/police_say_gop_political_strat.html
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
SEE THE AD HERE:http://www.boynegazette.com/
Monday, July 11, 2016
Sentencing disparities noted in local cases
The June 16 News-Review headline was, “Jail time for Petoskey man,” (six months for Bradley Kussrow, initially charged with raping a sleeping woman). Recently another 20-year-old man, a Stanford student, received a six month jail sentence as well as a Criminal Sexual Offender’s designation for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman. The California victim’s statement went viral, resulting in thousands signing a petition to remove the judge from office for leniency.
But Kussrow accepted a plea bargain of unlawful imprisonment, down from two counts of third degree criminal sexual conduct (defined basically as sexual penetration). According to the paper, he admitted most of what he had done, probably because the owner of the house unlocked his bedroom door and caught Kussrow “... trying to put his pants back on.” But Charlevoix County Prosecuting Attorney Allen Telgenhof said he “had a problem with that he would be labeled a sex offender the rest of his life.” Really? What is someone who sexually assaults a woman?
Telgenhof apparently believed that Kussrow just made a mistake. He’s quoted as saying, “We’re hoping he gets past this and learns,” although Kussrow “hasn’t taken full responsibility.” Is the victim just supposed to “get past this?”
The prosecutor dismissed the pain and trauma of the victim, who will live the rest of her life with the searing memory of a violent assault, with “hopefully she continues to recover.” Did he not hear the victim’s statement? “...(Kussrow) sucked the life away from me and left a shell of depression.” Kussrow wasn’t ordered to pay for her therapy. Kussrow didn’t even receive a fine.
The June 15 News-Review headline was, “Man gets 9 months in jail for cat abuse.”
And the cat abuser was fined $1,005. Maybe this story should go viral.
Sally Goshorn
Source - Petoskey News Review:http://www.petoskeynews.com/news/opinion/letters_to_editor/letter-sentencing-disparities-noted-in-local-cases/article_cd7f858f-7e4d-55cd-906b-37202318e533.html
Telgenhof and Judge Janet Allen - again
Telgenhof and Judge Janet Allen - again
Kussrow sentenced to 6 months in jail on false imprisonment charge
Some Exerpts
"A former Otsego County resident was sentenced to six months of jail and three years probation Thursday by Judge Janet Allen Thursday in 46th Circuit Court.
Bradley Kussrow, 20, of Petoskey, was originally charged with two counts of criminal sexual conduct, third degree, and one count of criminal sexual conduct, fourth degree. He accepted a plea agreement and entered a guilty plea to the reduced charge of felony unlawful imprisonment on May 5."
"Because Kussrow’s father is a retired Gaylord City Police detective, the Michigan Attorney General’s office was asked to appoint a special prosecutor, and Charlevoix Prosecuting Attorney Allen Telgenhof was appointed.
Telgenhof said the original charges were dropped to spare the victim from going through a trial.
“What would happen is we would have to go through a preliminary and we thought of what would that do to the victim," he said. "She has to relive everything all over again. Then it would intensify in the trial. We had to think of what’s best for her well being. The family was supportive and they understood.”
“Because of this (the way he was prosecuted), he admitted to most of what he did. He guaranteed accountability,” Telgenhof said. “Part of the deal was that he admit to what he did. She got a certain conviction. My job is also not to just hammer the defendant and put him away for the rest of his life. Part of our job, and a lot of people don’t realize this, is to seek justice and that includes Kussrow. Part of my job is to think of what’s fair. I had a problem with that he would be labeled a sex offender the rest of his life. Hopefully she continues to recover. We’re hoping he gets past this and learns.”
SEE THE REST OF THE NAUSEATING DETAILS HERE:http://www.petoskeynews.com/gaylord/kussrow-sentenced-to-months-in-jail-on-false-imprisonment-charge/article_6e360208-316a-11e6-8089-23708fb0ac18.html
And another case in Charlevoix that gives the appearance of special treatment.
Do they ever feel guilty?
The members of The Pretty Lie are decent people and we want our readers to know that we get no pleasure from hurting people. In fact, the reason we have come together is we have all been victimized by the "Good Old Boys" club in the state of Michigan, particularly here in Northern Michigan. Our common bond is a wish to change the system that destroys real people.
The fact of the matter is, Allen Telgenhof should have never been allowed to run for office in Charlevoix County. We believe that only those who have integrity and fairness should have the honor of serving the public.
We want justice, not" just us".There are two sets of rules - those for us - being incarcerated, impoverished and many times made homeless - and immunity for them and their cronies.
An example of this is the 911 call made by Mrs. Telgenhof when her husband Allen was tearing their couch apart with a knife. The average citizen would have been tased and arrested. But as she said on the 911 tape, "he is an attorney in Charlevoix and he doesn't want to get in trouble" and "he says that he knows the law". Also, she asked the 911 dispatcher if they could just not come.
I should mention that Mrs. Telgenhof was employed as a domestic violence advocate.
Listen to the 911 call here:http://theprettylieortheuglytruth.blogspot.com/2016/04/its-opinion-about-opinion.html
Why wasn't Mr. Telgenhof arrested? Who told the responding officer to let him go?The was another situation involving former Charlevoix County prosecuting attorney Mary Beth Kur. This story was documented by the website OIDV.
Mr. Robert Taylor requested a grand jury investigation into Telgenhof that was denied by Otsego County Judge Janet Allen. Mr Taylor appealed the decision and it was sent back to Judge Allen. It was the discovered tha Telgenhof sent an ex-parte communication to Judge Allen that we believe did influence her decision.
The Boyne City Gazette covered this in their June 8, 2016 article titled "Protest All You Want, He's The Only One Running". LINK TO GAZETTE HERE:http://www.boynegazette.com/
Excerpt from article
According to Taylor's complaint, once Telgenhof won the election, he failed to file a campaign finance compliance affidavit in addition to failing to account for three late campaign contributions. As a result, Taylor argued that Telgenhof's signature on the affidavit indicating that he was in compliance constituted perjury. There was a conciliation agreement made between Telgenhof and the State of Michigan and no charges were brought because there was no evidence of intent to swear falsely. However, the court of appeals directed Judge Allen to consider Telgenhof's intent regarding the election law matter in deciding whether to initiate a grand jury investigation. It was then that Telgenhof sent the improper communication to Judge Allen. Ex Parte? “After the remand, Mr. Telgenhof served a brief on the court without filing it with the county clerk. This court read the brief before realizing that it had not been filed and served on the party to the case,” Judge Allen wrote in her April 19 opinion on the Michigan Court of Appeals' remand. “This court then ordered that the brief be served on the complainant (Taylor), and gave the complainant a chance to respond to the filing, and also allowed the subject (Telgenhof) to respond as well.” In her opinion, Judge Allen found no probable cause to convene the grand juror as requested. She also addressed the matter of the ex parte communication. “It is clear that Mr. Telgenhof is not a party to this proceeding. He did not make a motion to intervene or file anything at the time this brief was delivered to the court. While he stated in the beginning that his brief may not be properly filed because subjects of these investigations normally do not file briefs, his brief did not notify the court that it was filed ex parte until the end of the brief following the court's review of the brief,” Judge Allen wrote. “This court is required to not permit or consider ex parte communications under Michigan Code of Judicial Conduct Canon 3(4). This court had however read in full the subject's brief, and has taken measures to redress this error.” She added, “The subject is also under an obligation not to make ex parte communications to the judge.
As you can see, we have a big problem with corruption in Michigan. Until you have been targeted by those who use their positions and influence to destroy your life, we can't expect you to be able to understand why we created this website.We wonder,"do they ever feel guilty"?
Blog member Greg Karam from Antrim County has lost millions of dollars because of our so called legal system. He moved up here and wanted to put in a fish pond. The neighbors banded together and did everything they could to shut down his plan. He spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees. He won a lawsuit in Antrim County, yet Judge Thomas Power sanctioned Mr. Karam $100,000 and someone sent a police officer from Detroit to collect. Most recently Mr. Karam discovered that Judge Power placed illegal liens on his properties even though he "paid up".
READ MORE HERE:http://theprettylieortheuglytruth.blogspot.com/2013/06/prelude-to-torture-lake.html
AND HERE:http://theprettylieortheuglytruth.blogspot.com/2013/07/torture-lake-summary.html
We have detailed the misdeeds of many of our elected officials in a compilation called Meet Your Northern Michigan Overlords at the following link:http://theprettylieortheuglytruth.blogspot.com/2014/07/meet-your-northern-michigan-overlords_7037.html
Mr. Karam also lost millions of dollars in Charlevoix County when he attempted to help poor Wayne Wynkoop mine the extremely valuable limestone deposit that he discovered on his property. But then Charlevoix County Circuit Court Judge Richard Pajtas moved in next door to the Wynkoops. He made a road through the state park for himself and the DNR just laughed it off as just being grass.
Mrs. Pajtas and her cronies formed a special interest group called the N.T.C.H.S. to destroy Wayne Wynkoop's plan to exercise his property rights. What they did to the Wykoops is evil and we wonder, do they ever feel guilty? How does it feel to drive past the scene of their crimes against their neighbor's? Does it bother them to look at Wayne's house and know that they are responsible for him taking his own life?
Ever time we drive past Norwood Road we feel heartsick about Wayne. How do they still live there?
Many people share the opinion that Norwood Township metaphorically put a loaded gun to Wayne's head and visiting judge Thomas Power metaphorically pulled the trigger. They took his life's work from him and Wayne was losing his home when he died.
Land owner protecting enviornment battles greedy judge and town. This video was recorded at a Public Access television station in Michigan.
Michigan Man Kills Self After Corrupt Township Forms Special Interest Group To Shut Down Mining Operation - Remembering Wayne Wynkoop
ARTICLE WITH VIDEO HERE:http://theprettylieortheuglytruth.blogspot.com/2016/03/michigan-man-kills-self-after-corrupt.html
It gives the appearance that the judges trade favor over county lines. An example of this is a pervert court referee from Judge Thomas Power's jurisdiction named Dennis Mikko. He was arrested after contacting what he believed was a 15 year old boy for sexual purposes. He also had pornography in his briefcase . His case was sent to Charlevoix and Judge Richard Pajtas dismissed all charges.
See the repulsive details here:http://theprettylieortheuglytruth.blogspot.com/2013/04/judge-richard-pajtas.html
Much more about this on the blog.
Another victim of Judge Pajtas' court is Albert Frost. We detailed his story at the following link:http://theprettylieortheuglytruth.blogspot.com/2013/10/surprise-surprise-frost-suit-against.html
Another member of The Pretty Lie is Wendy Beal, who was illegally evicted from her home by Judge Michael Haley.
SEE DETAILS HERE:http://theprettylieortheuglytruth.blogspot.com/2013/04/a-story-of-eviction.html
Ms. Beal also had her 11 year old son placed in a psychiatric hospital where he endured 21 months of sexual torture at the hands of the state. Her story is detailed here:
Apparently someone messed with my Google Docs when we were hacked a while back, so I will post entire text for easier reading.
Botches follow botches
Record-Eagle staff writer
GAYLORD - It began with a mystery that has never been solved and a question that has never been satisfactorily answered.
On a winter morning in 1986, the frozen body of 31-year-old oilfield worker Jerry Tobias was discovered in the back of his pickup truck on a quiet Gaylord street. There was blood on his body, and it appeared his hands had been bound with a pair of jumper cables. At an autopsy performed the next day, the Otsego County medical examiner decided Tobias had been struck in the head by a blunt instrument of some kind.
The police wasted no time in pursuing the incident. Before the week was out, they raided a butcher shop owned by Waters resident Laurie Moore and seized a metal skewer used for roasting chicken, which the medical examiner identified as the probable murder weapon. Moore was arrested in what the authorities began calling "a drug deal gone wrong."
But instead of solving the mystery of Jerry Tobias' death, the arrest of Laurie Moore was only the beginning of a 17-year ordeal that deepened the confusion.
As victims of a completely unjust legal system, we are brought together to bring awareness to the voting public about our elected officials.
If the system weren't so irreparably broken, Telgenhof would never have been eligible to run for prosecutor in the first place and we wouldn't have had to resort to such extreme measures as painting a house, peacefully protesting Mr. Telgenhof and taking out a paid advertisement in the Boyne City Gazette. Our goal is to ensure that our elected officials do the job that they are paid to do fairly and competently. As things stand, there are no checks and balances and our officials are never held accountable. The citizens of Michigan suffer for it.
The arrogance displayed by Allen Telgenhof when he took the selfie and made a meme mocking us says it all. He only has himself to blame for the ad in this week's Boyne City Gazette.
We don't appreciate him rubbing his lawlessness in our face and the voters need to know what this guy is all about. It was immature and unprofessional and we don't believe that he has what it takes to do the job of prosecutor fairly and competently.
We started this blog well before we ever heard the name Telgenhof. This blog is for victims of our justice system to have a place for their voices to be heard.
In closing,Telgenhof is running unopposed and we hope that someone a little more honorable will join the Charlevoix County Prosecutors race.
The fact of the matter is, Allen Telgenhof should have never been allowed to run for office in Charlevoix County. We believe that only those who have integrity and fairness should have the honor of serving the public.
We want justice, not" just us".There are two sets of rules - those for us - being incarcerated, impoverished and many times made homeless - and immunity for them and their cronies.
An example of this is the 911 call made by Mrs. Telgenhof when her husband Allen was tearing their couch apart with a knife. The average citizen would have been tased and arrested. But as she said on the 911 tape, "he is an attorney in Charlevoix and he doesn't want to get in trouble" and "he says that he knows the law". Also, she asked the 911 dispatcher if they could just not come.
I should mention that Mrs. Telgenhof was employed as a domestic violence advocate.
Listen to the 911 call here:http://theprettylieortheuglytruth.blogspot.com/2016/04/its-opinion-about-opinion.html
Why wasn't Mr. Telgenhof arrested? Who told the responding officer to let him go?The was another situation involving former Charlevoix County prosecuting attorney Mary Beth Kur. This story was documented by the website OIDV.
According to reports, Deputy Bush transported Kur's son to the hospital. "When talking to the doctor, a statement was made that Stephen Kur had hit his son the night before and attempted to push him down the stairs. It was also stated that both of the parents had been mentally abusive to their son..."
Prosecutor Mary Beth Kur made a phone call that night to Charlevoix County Undersheriff Donald Schneider. The phone call was recorded.
Kur: "(Our son) ended up calling 9-1-1 ....So Bush came out with (Charlevoix City Police Officer) Matt (Umulis)....I don't know Bush very well but if somebody would just please say something about respecting my son's privacy...."
Schneider: "I'll take care of it..."
Kur: "I don't want anything like… I just don't know him well enough to just ask him that..."
Schneider: "I'll take care of Bush..."
According to reports, Deputy Bush transported Kur's son to the hospital. "When talking to the doctor, a statement was made that Stephen Kur had hit his son the night before and attempted to push him down the stairs. It was also stated that both of the parents had been mentally abusive to their son..."
Prosecutor Mary Beth Kur made a phone call that night to Charlevoix County Undersheriff Donald Schneider. The phone call was recorded.
Kur: "(Our son) ended up calling 9-1-1 ....So Bush came out with (Charlevoix City Police Officer) Matt (Umulis)....I don't know Bush very well but if somebody would just please say something about respecting my son's privacy...."
Schneider: "I'll take care of it..."
Kur: "I don't want anything like… I just don't know him well enough to just ask him that..."
Schneider: "I'll take care of Bush..."
SEE MORE ON THE PRETTY LIE HERE:http://theprettylieortheuglytruth.blogspot.com/2014/02/mary-beth-kur-announces-her-candidacy_4868.html
They take care of their own. A report was sent to the Charlevoix prosecutor John Jarema, who sent it to the Antrim County Prosecuting Attorney for review because he felt that there was enough evidence to prosecute Telgenhof. Antrim didn't agree, so he was free to run against Jarema and Telgenhof won the 2012 prosecutor's race in Charlevoix and the citizen's are left to suffer.
I would like to add that the Antrim County Prosecutor let pedophile foster dad Gere Clark roam free and harass his victim. Nobody but Clark was held accountable even though The Northern Express covered this sickening travesty in detail. See article here:http://theprettylieortheuglytruth.blogspot.com/2013/09/model-citizen-or-monster.html
These people do not recognize abuse when it is right in front of them.
There was a woman who was physically forced to abort her baby in Charlevoix and the perpetrator was allowed to leave the country? Why wasn't he in jail awaiting trial?
Read the victim impact statement here:http://theprettylieortheuglytruth.blogspot.com/2016/06/victim-impact-statement-from-case-in.html
Does Telgenhof feel guilty? We know of another case in Charlevoix where the victim was choked out by her boyfriend. He too was allowed to leave the state.
We attempted to expose this before the 2012 election but the local media, with the exception of the Boyne City Gazette, refused to print our letters to the editor regarding the domestice violence allegations against Telgenhof and our very real concerns about his mental fitness to handle such an important and high stress job.
Since the election in 2012 we have tirelessly been trying to rectify this problem. We have gone through the proper channels and contacted the Michigan Attorney General with evidence of criminal conduct. The AG's office had Richard Cunningham call Telgenhof and tell him how to fix what he did wrong in his campaign finance filings.
See more here:http://theprettylieortheuglytruth.blogspot.com/2014/09/attorney-generals-public-integrity-unit.html
Mr. Robert Taylor requested a grand jury investigation into Telgenhof that was denied by Otsego County Judge Janet Allen. Mr Taylor appealed the decision and it was sent back to Judge Allen. It was the discovered tha Telgenhof sent an ex-parte communication to Judge Allen that we believe did influence her decision.
The Boyne City Gazette covered this in their June 8, 2016 article titled "Protest All You Want, He's The Only One Running". LINK TO GAZETTE HERE:http://www.boynegazette.com/
Excerpt from article
According to Taylor's complaint, once Telgenhof won the election, he failed to file a campaign finance compliance affidavit in addition to failing to account for three late campaign contributions. As a result, Taylor argued that Telgenhof's signature on the affidavit indicating that he was in compliance constituted perjury. There was a conciliation agreement made between Telgenhof and the State of Michigan and no charges were brought because there was no evidence of intent to swear falsely. However, the court of appeals directed Judge Allen to consider Telgenhof's intent regarding the election law matter in deciding whether to initiate a grand jury investigation. It was then that Telgenhof sent the improper communication to Judge Allen. Ex Parte? “After the remand, Mr. Telgenhof served a brief on the court without filing it with the county clerk. This court read the brief before realizing that it had not been filed and served on the party to the case,” Judge Allen wrote in her April 19 opinion on the Michigan Court of Appeals' remand. “This court then ordered that the brief be served on the complainant (Taylor), and gave the complainant a chance to respond to the filing, and also allowed the subject (Telgenhof) to respond as well.” In her opinion, Judge Allen found no probable cause to convene the grand juror as requested. She also addressed the matter of the ex parte communication. “It is clear that Mr. Telgenhof is not a party to this proceeding. He did not make a motion to intervene or file anything at the time this brief was delivered to the court. While he stated in the beginning that his brief may not be properly filed because subjects of these investigations normally do not file briefs, his brief did not notify the court that it was filed ex parte until the end of the brief following the court's review of the brief,” Judge Allen wrote. “This court is required to not permit or consider ex parte communications under Michigan Code of Judicial Conduct Canon 3(4). This court had however read in full the subject's brief, and has taken measures to redress this error.” She added, “The subject is also under an obligation not to make ex parte communications to the judge.
As you can see, we have a big problem with corruption in Michigan. Until you have been targeted by those who use their positions and influence to destroy your life, we can't expect you to be able to understand why we created this website.We wonder,"do they ever feel guilty"?
Blog member Greg Karam from Antrim County has lost millions of dollars because of our so called legal system. He moved up here and wanted to put in a fish pond. The neighbors banded together and did everything they could to shut down his plan. He spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees. He won a lawsuit in Antrim County, yet Judge Thomas Power sanctioned Mr. Karam $100,000 and someone sent a police officer from Detroit to collect. Most recently Mr. Karam discovered that Judge Power placed illegal liens on his properties even though he "paid up".
READ MORE HERE:http://theprettylieortheuglytruth.blogspot.com/2013/06/prelude-to-torture-lake.html
AND HERE:http://theprettylieortheuglytruth.blogspot.com/2013/07/torture-lake-summary.html
We have detailed the misdeeds of many of our elected officials in a compilation called Meet Your Northern Michigan Overlords at the following link:http://theprettylieortheuglytruth.blogspot.com/2014/07/meet-your-northern-michigan-overlords_7037.html
Mr. Karam also lost millions of dollars in Charlevoix County when he attempted to help poor Wayne Wynkoop mine the extremely valuable limestone deposit that he discovered on his property. But then Charlevoix County Circuit Court Judge Richard Pajtas moved in next door to the Wynkoops. He made a road through the state park for himself and the DNR just laughed it off as just being grass.
Mrs. Pajtas and her cronies formed a special interest group called the N.T.C.H.S. to destroy Wayne Wynkoop's plan to exercise his property rights. What they did to the Wykoops is evil and we wonder, do they ever feel guilty? How does it feel to drive past the scene of their crimes against their neighbor's? Does it bother them to look at Wayne's house and know that they are responsible for him taking his own life?
Ever time we drive past Norwood Road we feel heartsick about Wayne. How do they still live there?
Many people share the opinion that Norwood Township metaphorically put a loaded gun to Wayne's head and visiting judge Thomas Power metaphorically pulled the trigger. They took his life's work from him and Wayne was losing his home when he died.
Norwood, NTCHS and Wayne Wynkoop
Land owner protecting enviornment battles greedy judge and town. This video was recorded at a Public Access television station in Michigan.
ARTICLE WITH VIDEO HERE:http://theprettylieortheuglytruth.blogspot.com/2016/03/michigan-man-kills-self-after-corrupt.html
A Cry For Justice - Three Years Later And No Justice For The Wynkoops
Corruption, especially government corruption, comes in all shapes and sizes and under many guises. It affects the smallest communities and our largest cities. It is our duty to try to stop it when we can.
It is hard to believe that three years have passed since the untimely death of Norwood Michigan resident Wayne Wynkoop. Wayne committed suicide after his life's work and his accumulated wealth and savings were all lost because he dared to pursue his American dream.
His only crime was attempting to use his property to mine limestone. He had a quantitative study done and it was determined that there was a huge deposit on Wayne's land near Charlevoix and Fisherman's Island State Park.
SEE MORE:http://theprettylieortheuglytruth.blogspot.com/2014/01/a-cry-for-justice-three-years-later-and.html
Word of a state park land deal worries some Charlevoix neighbors
Talks between the state and a cement plant to swap land at Fisherman’s Island State Park near Charlevoix have some neighbors on edge.
They’ve formed an opposition group and Facebook page called “Save Fisherman’s Island” to rally support against the trade.
A spokesman for St. Marys Cement Inc. says that the company is working with neighbors to come up with a plan for the park that could benefit everyone.
They are currently forming a committee of residents to evaluate and make recommendations about the plan.
See the repulsive details here:http://theprettylieortheuglytruth.blogspot.com/2013/04/judge-richard-pajtas.html
Much more about this on the blog.
Another victim of Judge Pajtas' court is Albert Frost. We detailed his story at the following link:http://theprettylieortheuglytruth.blogspot.com/2013/10/surprise-surprise-frost-suit-against.html
Surprise, surprise! The Frost suit against Charlevoix County judge Richard Pajtas is dimissed.
I just found this on the front page of the Boyne City Gazette. As I predicted in my earlier post about this case, federal judge Robert Jonker once again chooses to do the wrong thing for the people. See link to my family's nightmare and quest for justice that wasted years of my life because Jonker always seems to pick the wrong side in cases before him. The Good Old Boys strike again.!!
Citizens Of Northern Michigan-You Must See This - The Cast Of Characters In The Northern Michigan Theater Of Justice
READ MORE:http://theprettylieortheuglytruth.blogspot.com/2014/01/the-cast-of-characters-in-northern.html
Another member of The Pretty Lie is Wendy Beal, who was illegally evicted from her home by Judge Michael Haley.
SEE DETAILS HERE:http://theprettylieortheuglytruth.blogspot.com/2013/04/a-story-of-eviction.html
Ms. Beal also had her 11 year old son placed in a psychiatric hospital where he endured 21 months of sexual torture at the hands of the state. Her story is detailed here:
article here:http://theprettylieortheuglytruth.blogspot.com/2013/04/havenwyck-hospital-auburn-hills-michigan.html
Excerpts From "A Child's Story" Operation Awareness website
" Ben was threatened by the juvenile justice worker that if he didn't hurry up and finish treatment he would be sent to juvenile detention. She then felt the need to share with Ben that she used to be employed by Wackenhut and while working there, a group of boys dragged another boy into a room and sodomized him until his rectum fell out and he bled to death."
Treatment at Havenwyck involves torture and experimental behavior modification techniques.
Covert Taping - Ben was made to write a healthy script and a deviant script. These he read aloud into a tape recorder. When he became aroused, he had to break open an ammonia capsule and inhale deeply. Staff members listened to these tapes to make sure that he choked. That meant that he was doing it properly. Ben suffered horrible nosebleeds for months after he came home.
Plethysmographs - This is a test where the older boys were taken out of the facility. A ring with sensors is placed over the boys penis and they are shown sexually graphic material. Ben was too young to do this, but went out of the facility with two other boys and a staff member to act as chaperone.
This was necessary because a staff member named Mr. Ari was accused by a gay black boy of engaging in oral and anal sex with him in the bathroom of the facility where they do the plethysmographs.
This happened before Ben got to Havenwyck, yet Ben met Mr. Ari. That was because he was still working on the unit. He was transferred to another unit and eventually let go, but as far as Ben knows this was never investigated by the state."
" Ben was threatened by the juvenile justice worker that if he didn't hurry up and finish treatment he would be sent to juvenile detention. She then felt the need to share with Ben that she used to be employed by Wackenhut and while working there, a group of boys dragged another boy into a room and sodomized him until his rectum fell out and he bled to death."
Treatment at Havenwyck involves torture and experimental behavior modification techniques.
Covert Taping - Ben was made to write a healthy script and a deviant script. These he read aloud into a tape recorder. When he became aroused, he had to break open an ammonia capsule and inhale deeply. Staff members listened to these tapes to make sure that he choked. That meant that he was doing it properly. Ben suffered horrible nosebleeds for months after he came home.
Plethysmographs - This is a test where the older boys were taken out of the facility. A ring with sensors is placed over the boys penis and they are shown sexually graphic material. Ben was too young to do this, but went out of the facility with two other boys and a staff member to act as chaperone.
This was necessary because a staff member named Mr. Ari was accused by a gay black boy of engaging in oral and anal sex with him in the bathroom of the facility where they do the plethysmographs.
This happened before Ben got to Havenwyck, yet Ben met Mr. Ari. That was because he was still working on the unit. He was transferred to another unit and eventually let go, but as far as Ben knows this was never investigated by the state."
State reports from DHS showing clear violations of patient rights at Havenwyck Hospital. Why is this place getting hard earned tax dollars? There is another report I can't locate about a supervisor slamming a girl face down on the floor and breaking her nose. Supervisor then tried to
Hon. Robert J. Jonker
United States District Court - Western District of Michigan
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Hon. Robert J. Jonker was appointed in July 2007 by President George W. Bush as a judge for the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan, succeeding Hon. Gordon J. Quist, who assumed senior status on January 1, 2006. Before taking the bench, he practiced commercial and environmental litigation for 20 years with the law firm of Warner, Norcross, & Judd, LLP, and was listed in "The Best Lawyers in America" for business litigation. His work included cases at all levels of the Michigan courts and at all levels of the federal courts throughout the country. Judge Jonker graduated summa cum laude from the University of Michigan Law School, where he was Order of the Coif. Immediately following law school, he worked for two years as a law clerk for Hon. John Feikens of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan
Jonker is responsible for dismissing the Beal Family's lawsuit against Havenwyck Hospital after the Beal's refused the offer of a $50,000 to settle. He had been calling it the Clockwork Orange case, then dismissed the case because he claims that Ms. Beal and her 11 year old son gave informed consent to do the covert taping. Ms. Beal was court ordered to sign all necessary releases by Antrim Probate Judge Norman Hayes the day they locked her little boy up for 21 months of his childhood and the 11 year old stated during deposition that the signature on the consent for treatment was not his and his mother also said that it looked like the counselors writing.
The expert witness for Havenwyck was going to fly up from Florida. He was an "expert" in the treatment of youthful offenders with aversion therapy and was the head of some sex offender task force. He was specially appointed by none other than Jeb Bush. Nothing going on here, folks.
The expert witness for Havenwyck was going to fly up from Florida. He was an "expert" in the treatment of youthful offenders with aversion therapy and was the head of some sex offender task force. He was specially appointed by none other than Jeb Bush. Nothing going on here, folks.
Antrim County Confidential
Apparently someone messed with my Google Docs when we were hacked a while back, so I will post entire text for easier reading.
A Travesty Of Justice - Antrim County Probate Judge Norman Hayes
Error-strewn case costs millions
February 23 - 25, 2003
By MIKE NORTONRecord-Eagle staff writer
GAYLORD - It began with a mystery that has never been solved and a question that has never been satisfactorily answered.
On a winter morning in 1986, the frozen body of 31-year-old oilfield worker Jerry Tobias was discovered in the back of his pickup truck on a quiet Gaylord street. There was blood on his body, and it appeared his hands had been bound with a pair of jumper cables. At an autopsy performed the next day, the Otsego County medical examiner decided Tobias had been struck in the head by a blunt instrument of some kind.
The police wasted no time in pursuing the incident. Before the week was out, they raided a butcher shop owned by Waters resident Laurie Moore and seized a metal skewer used for roasting chicken, which the medical examiner identified as the probable murder weapon. Moore was arrested in what the authorities began calling "a drug deal gone wrong."
But instead of solving the mystery of Jerry Tobias' death, the arrest of Laurie Moore was only the beginning of a 17-year ordeal that deepened the confusion.
READ MORE:http://theprettylieortheuglytruth.blogspot.com/2013/08/a-travesty-of-justice-antrim-county.html
If the system weren't so irreparably broken, Telgenhof would never have been eligible to run for prosecutor in the first place and we wouldn't have had to resort to such extreme measures as painting a house, peacefully protesting Mr. Telgenhof and taking out a paid advertisement in the Boyne City Gazette. Our goal is to ensure that our elected officials do the job that they are paid to do fairly and competently. As things stand, there are no checks and balances and our officials are never held accountable. The citizens of Michigan suffer for it.
The arrogance displayed by Allen Telgenhof when he took the selfie and made a meme mocking us says it all. He only has himself to blame for the ad in this week's Boyne City Gazette.
We don't appreciate him rubbing his lawlessness in our face and the voters need to know what this guy is all about. It was immature and unprofessional and we don't believe that he has what it takes to do the job of prosecutor fairly and competently.
We started this blog well before we ever heard the name Telgenhof. This blog is for victims of our justice system to have a place for their voices to be heard.
In closing,Telgenhof is running unopposed and we hope that someone a little more honorable will join the Charlevoix County Prosecutors race.
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Attention Readers!
Hello, my name is Samantha Rasmussen. My mother, Wendy Beal, started this blog to inform people about the corruption that takes place within the government.
It is with a heavy heart to let you all know that my mother passed away on June 30th, 2016. She had an unknown heart disease, and died of a massive heart attack. Paramedics worked on her for nearly an hour, but couldn't revive her.
I will work on the blog, when I can, but postings wont be very close together. I'm in my senior year of high school, so I will post when I am able to have.
My mother loved this blog. She put her heart and soul into it. She loved talking to people about their stories, and loved helping other people.
Thank you.
It is with a heavy heart to let you all know that my mother passed away on June 30th, 2016. She had an unknown heart disease, and died of a massive heart attack. Paramedics worked on her for nearly an hour, but couldn't revive her.
I will work on the blog, when I can, but postings wont be very close together. I'm in my senior year of high school, so I will post when I am able to have.
My mother loved this blog. She put her heart and soul into it. She loved talking to people about their stories, and loved helping other people.
Thank you.
Thursday, June 30, 2016
have just became aware of this site. Although I am not an authority on
much, I would like to express my take on this site and the content with
in. First off, I would say after reading this blog, I have mixed feeling
about what's happening here. Ms Beal clearly has an ax to grind. I
commend her on her bravery to express he life story for all to read(not
something I would do). Most people are uncomfortable hearing negative
experiences. But how else can positive changes take place if we hide the
true, good or bad. I am concern that MBK followers are misunderstanding
to intent behind the information being posted. It doesn't look to me
that the intentions are to promote a candidate and bash another. It does
appear that way because we are down to two candidates for Judge. I am
thinking the information presented is to make the internet readers
(possible voter) aware that there is more to be considered when filling
such an important position. Americans are interesting. They think of
themselves as authorities on most everything without facts. Just because
a friend tells you something doesn't mean its true, especially when its
about something as important as this election. You must get the facts
straight. I would suggest to stop the chatter and get educated. Research
for yourself. I would also suggest, after doing my homework, I would
get all the less then honorable parties out of the court house and sure
as hell would not vote anymore in for God sakes.
Finally someone gets it! Thank you.
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AnonymousOctober 22, 2014 at 7:55 AM