Wednesday, August 12, 2015

An Open Letter to Donald Trump

Dear Mr. Trump,
I have been closely following your campaign since you announced your intention to run for President of the United States. Like millions of Americans of all political stripes, I greatly appreciate your frankness, your honesty, and your candor. The criticisms you are leveling against the mainstream political and media establishment in America – the corrupt, superficial nature of electoral politics, the disastrous and poorly negotiated international trade deals our “leaders” have pushed on this country, the dishonest, malicious behavior of the “journalists” and “political pundits” covering politics today, etc. – are resonating very deeply across this once great nation for very obvious reasons. Most Americans I know and deal with feel alienated from the political establishment, viewing the career politicians running Washington, DC and the media that serves them as hostile to American political traditions and culture.

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