Saturday, August 8, 2015

Answering For Past Lies

Robert McNamara LBJ’s Secretary of War was the war-criminal in charge of U.S. War policies at the presidential level under LBJ, in Vietnam. Their U.S. policies oversaw the stripping of the American National Guard units of their equipment throughout the nation, in order to hide the costs of that illegal war. Neither LBJ nor McNamara were ever charged for any of their crimes against anyone in that ‘war’ that murdered over two and half million Vietnamese along with the death of over 75,000 US personnel ­ which did not account for the millions of war-wounded on all sides, in the fifteen year long war or the literal destruction of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, under Nixon.
How did we get into the War in Vietnam?
We were “invited in” to cover up the defeat of France in Vietnam. Kennedy picked up the cudgel from the French after their defeat and sent advisors into Vietnam in 1960 ­ and from there it all went straight downhill. At the time of Kennedy’s assassination he was beginning to advocate for the American withdrawal from Vietnam. An action that LBJ completely reversed, on the advice of Henry A. Kissinger, another unindicted global-war-criminal who went on to design and carry out the overthrow of Chile on 9-1-1973. (Another massive war-crime that has never been investigated). 

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