Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Backyard Chickens Must Be Registered in North Carolina for Your Own Safety

There isn’t much that feels more self-reliant than going out to your backyard hen house to get fresh eggs for breakfast.  There’s no need for USDA approval, you know what your hens have been eating, and you don’t have to pay a premium price and hope that the farm who raised the chickens that laid those grocery store eggs actually treated the hens humanely.  Bonus points if the bacon you fry up comes from a local farm, and bonus BONUS points if you raised that little piggie yourself. Raising backyard chickens is incredibly rewarding.
It’s pure freedom, this control over your own food.
READ MORE:http://www.thedailysheeple.com/backyard-chickens-must-be-registered-in-north-carolina-for-your-own-safety_082015

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