Friday, August 7, 2015

Food seizures begin: Venezuela farmers ordered to turn over their food to the government

(NaturalNews) As Venezuela's economy continues to worsen -- its currency having entered "free fall mode," according to the Financial Times -- the desperate Maduro government has taken the extreme measure of nationalizing the nation's food industry.

Venezuelan farmers and food producers are now required to sell anywhere from 30 percent to 100 percent of their products to state-owned stores. The order covers staple foods such as rice, milk, oil, sugar and flour.

Shortages and long lines in stores have become common since Venezuela's economy began sliding into inflation -- a situation that placed them at the top of the list in the world for inflation in 2014. The official inflation rate was 65 percent last year, and in the last month the currency has lost another 43 percent of its value. Oil prices once again have dropped, causing further strain on Venezuela's struggling economy.

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