Saturday, August 8, 2015

Fox News debate fraud? Jeb Bush spoon-fed obviously pre-arranged questions while Donald Trump is viciously attacked by unfair, biased news anchors

(NaturalNews) Everybody I know was watching the Republican debate tonight, wanting to find out who might stand out from the crowd.

But the one thing that really stood out was the total fraud of what Fox News pulled off. It was clear from the first five minutes that Fox News had pre-arranged softball questions for Jeb Bush to highlight his "heroic actions" and accomplishments. Meanwhile, the kinds of questions directed to Donald Trump were all thinly veiled accusations and insults, designed to attack Trump on issues that had nothing to do with running the country.

Click here for my complete notes and logs from the debate.

The typical questions went something like this: (paraphrased)

Fox News: "Jeb Bush, how did you get to be such an amazing leader?"

Fox News: "Donald Trump, who do you hate women?"

As if a debate with totally contrived questions wasn't enough, Fox News also had a pre-arranged assembly of apparently "ordinary citizens" who were asked, after the debate, how many of them now hated Donald Trump.

In all, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Ben Carson and Scott Walker all came off as highly intelligent, passionate Americans. Rand Paul was off his game but made some great points nonetheless. Christie just looked like Jabba the Jackass, wagging his finger at Rand Paul while promoting the Orwellian surveillance state. But the real jackass of the night was Fox News itself, which clearly fed Jeb Bush a list of pre-arranged softball questions.

Breitbart News also noticed this, running a headline that reads, Fox News vs. The Donald: Anchors Try to Take Out Trump.


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