Saturday, August 8, 2015

Game Over, Time to Perform Triage On America

The sheep of this country are attempting to get along by going along. However, despite our national capitulation to the New World Order, we are not adapting well as a people. Americans have miserably failed to adjust to our changing status and are paying a steep emotional price for our slide into tyranny while on our way to becoming a third world country.

From a Land of Hope to a People of Quiet Desperation

If this won’t wake up the nation, then nothing will.
A good day for most Americans is a day where we avoid a catastrophe instead of celebrating our accomplishments. Americans are increasingly a miserable people. We are most certainly the most stressed out people on the planet. Perhaps the biggest slap in the face comes from the fact that the media controllers of today’s society are teaching us to love our servitude instead of inspiring us to reach for the stars. However, this acceptance is not sitting well with America and it is showing up in our collective health.  Did you know that despite paying the most for healthcare, our lifespan is only 51st in the world? Even some third world countries live longer than we do, according to the CIA fact book of 2013.
The biggest reason for the decline in our national health, relative to other countries, is the high amount of stress that we are experiencing as a people. Much of the stress we are experiencing comes from trying to find a level of homeostasis in the midst of experiencing personal, emotional and spiritual subjugation. The rubber band can only be stretched so far till it breaks.

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