Thursday, August 13, 2015

George Bush Sr. Said This to Monsanto in 1987, Ushering in the Era of GMO’s

Proponents of genetically engineered crops would have you believe that we’ve been “modifying” foods for “thousands of years.”
But the truth is that these lab-created GMOs are far different from traditional hybrid crops and have only been around for a few decades.
And if not for intense lobbying on the part of St. Louis agrochemical giant Monsanto, GMOs might have never even seen the light of day in the United States.
In 1986, with countless millions at stake, four executives from the Monsanto Company paid a White House visit to then-Vice President named George H.W. Bush with the goal of gaining an important ally in Washington. Monsanto wanted to secure its spot on the “deregulation” bandwagon being driven by the Reagan administration at the time.
One year later, Bush took the bait and paid a visit to the company’s headquarters for a media event that included personal time with company scientists and reps.
Monsanto’s reps wanted Bush to help them get their dangerously untested GMOs to market, and pleaded with him (see the video below) to help make it happen.
What Bush said in response gave rise to a culture of blissful ignorance and irresponsibility that allowed Monsanto’s controversial “frankencrops” to spread virtually unopposed ever since.

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