Sunday, August 16, 2015

Holy SHEMITAH! The USA Has Become An Obamanation

Modern-day Prophet Says September’s Super Shemitah Will Bring Judgment To America

Moral of the Story:
No ultra-permissive society ever avoids Judgment (aka Karmic Justice), especially when rampant moral depravity so corrupts the nation’s children.

State of the Nation

America’s fate has been sealed as a result of:
• Relentless Secularization of Society and Removal of God and Prayer from Schools
• Wholesale Abortion since Roe v. Wade in 1973 and 58 Million Killings of the Unborn
• Redefinition of Marriage by Unconstitutional SCOTUS Ruling
• Aggressive Imposition of LGBTTTT Agenda Worldwide
• Implementation of Unlawful Immigration Policy and Encouragement of Illegal Aliens
• Legalization of Recreational Marijuana and Promotion of Drug Culture
• Undermining Religious Institutions, Cultural Traditions and Conservative Values
• Promotion of Perpetual War Economy and Endless Subversion of Sovereign Nations
• Restarting the Cold War with Russia and Relentlessly Undermining World Peace
• Unrestrained Spying on U.S Citizenry and Foreign Governments and Corporations
• Neglecting an Ever-increasing $18.2 Trillion Unsustainable National Debt
• Failure to Prosecute U.S. Government Perpetrators of 9/11 False Flag Terror Attacks
• Covert Geoengineering via Chemtrails and HAARP Intensifying Global Climate Change 
• Relentless and Profound Weakening of Necessary Clean Air and Clean Water Acts
• Failure to Responsibly Address Global Climate Change by Conducting Weather Warfare
• Pushing Draconian Legislation to Make Mandatory Vaccine Programs Law of the Land
• Militarization of Police Departments Nationwide Law and Lethalizing Law Enforcement
• Conducting Military Exercises (Jade Helm) on US Soil in Violation of Posse Comitatus
• Continuation of Dangerous Nuclear Power Generation Despite Fukushima Catastrophe
• Permitting the CIA to Conduct False Flag Attacks and Assassinations (JFK, MLK, RFK)


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