Friday, August 14, 2015

Huma Abedin Lawyers Up Amid Growing Amount of Scandals

Huma Abedin has hired an entire team of lawyers to handle her ever growing number of scandals.  She is heavily involved in Hillary’s private email scandal.  She denied that she had an email account on Hillary’s server.  On Monday, Hillary told a federal judge that Abedin did indeed have an email account.  If she doesn’t produce emails from that account, she could be in huge trouble.  She also claimed pay for when she was on vacation in Italy and at home after giving birth to her first child.  She could also be a suspect in the changing of the confidential and top secret codes on Hillary’s emails.
Then there is the obvious conflict of interest when she was allowed to keep a high paying State Department job, while also working for Taneo, a company that acts as go between for businessmen and politicians.  Abedin has another reason to worry.  After Hillary ratted her out about the email account on her server, it’s possible that Hillary will throw her under the bus.  (Unless she has a sex tape)  Think Hillary won’t do it?  Doug Band, the boss at Taneo was Bill Clinton’s Huma Abedin.  When scandal broke, Band found himself under the bus.
Huma could even voluntarily crawl under the bus, taking responsibility for all the crimes committed, especially if she believes Hillary will win the 2016 election.  I believe there are hundreds of liberal companies who would be willing to hire Abedin to a job with a very large salary in return for a favor from the president of the United States.

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