Saturday, August 8, 2015

Juvenile Detention Centers Are Not for Abused Kids

The Tsimhoni children -- ages 9, 10 and 14 -- recently made international news when they were bullied by Judge Lisa Gorcyca (Oakland County, Michigan) and ordered to the juvenile detention center Children's Village for refusing to see their father who they claim is abusive. Judge Gorcyca specifically referred to the detention center as "jail" when threatening the kids, asking them: "Do you want to live in jail?" Then she back-pedaled after public outrage claiming, "These three children are not being punished, they have been removed from a home situation in which they were unable to pursue a healthy relationship with their father."
The argument emerged that the specific wing, Mandy's Place, of the facility where the Tsimhoni children were held was not a "jail," but merely a housing facility for abused children. An article in the The Detroit Free Press quoted Director George Miller as saying, "We try to make it as homelike as we can... We even re-did the front door to make it look more like a home."
The front door aside, the conditions in the facility seem hardly distinguishable from other juvenile detention centers. The article goes on to explain: "There is no cable television. There is no internet access. There are no cell phones or iPads. And children cannot accept incoming calls. Outgoing calls, when allowed, are monitored." Miller calls the conditions within the facility "very structured, with 24-hour supervision." Most importantly, the children are not allowed to leave of their own free will.

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