Saturday, August 8, 2015

Mother Assaulted, Arrested After Stepping in Front of a Cop Who was About to Shoot Her Dog

Parkersburg, WV — A disturbing video was submitted to the Free Thought Project this week which shows the courageous actions of one woman, and the cowardice actions of a West Virginia State Trooper.
The incident began after a neighborhood argument escalated to the point of a man calling the police to prevent further turmoil. The homeowner, Cliff, called the police after his neighbor allegedly threatened him. However, when the police showed up, they were more interested in Cliff’s dog than preventing any disturbance.
Randall Hupp, the man who gave us the video, explains that after the cops had arrived, the situation was calm, but then they quickly got out of control.
Things were going fine and my son decided to film for posterity sake in case anything should happen. There were two dogs present in the area at the time of the video, a black dog which was the neighbors dog that was running loose…and Cliffs dog, which was chained up.
Cliff’s dog, which was on a chain, merely barked as the officer walked up to the home. His tail was still wagging, and he seemed to calm down immediately. However, the fact that this dog was on a chain, not growling, nor posing any threat whatsoever, was of no consequence to the state trooper who quickly pulled out his service pistol, took aim, and almost killed the dog.
Before the state trooper could shoot the dog, however, Hupp’s daughter, Tiffanie courageously stepped in between the dog and the officer to prevent the puppycide.


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