Friday, August 7, 2015

Quantum Spacecraft & Other Hidden Truths: Snowden’s “Black Budgets”

Not long ago Edward Snowden, a former intelligence contractor leaked the very first documentation that proves the existence of clandestine black budget operations. You can read more about that here. So what discoveries lay hidden that are open to reasonable speculation?
When Jimmy Carter installed solar panels on the White House in the 1970s, the whole world thought we were about to enter a new era of alternative energy. As soon as Reagan was elected, however, he took them down, taking us back to the dark ages of energy and marking several more decades of dependency on a polluting, non-renewable substance – oil. Conspiracy theories abound regarding why this happened, but the energy crisis goes down a deeper rabbit hole in Alice’s little wonder world than some of us could have imagined – enter quantum spacecraft, and a few other little secrets.
In order to travel light years away, compelling the forces of gravity to work in one’s favor is just the first of numerous challenges to overcome. You need an energy source that could not only lift tons of steel or metal off an object as gravity-influenced as planet earth, but could also propel you into space for several million miles. Even our own moon, at its closest point in orbit, is over 225,000 miles away. Aunt Bertha’s Dodge Plymouth just isn’t going to get you there.

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