Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Saadi Gaddafi torture video shows name guarantees ‘maximum mistreatment’ & no justice – lawyer to RT

A video apparently showing the torture of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi’s son during interrogation in prison has been condemned by both HRW, and his legal representative, who told RT that the Gaddafi name alone is enough to guarantee “maximum sentence and maximum mistreatment.”
The undated video, recently released by Arabic Clear News outlet shows a group of men ill-treating several inmates and interrogating a captive who strongly resembles al-Saadi Gaddafi, the third son of the deceased Colonel who ruled the country for almost 40 years.
“It does appear to be Saadi Gaddafi,” Melinda Taylor, an international criminal court defense lawyer for Saadi Gaddafi told RT. “He looks the same in sense [that] his head ... [had been] shaved which happened to him last year.”
The footage shows the blindfolded man being forced to listen to the screams of at least two other inmates allegedly being tortured by the guards in the next room. Then he is made to watch them being beaten. No legal team is present during the “questioning.”
READ MORE:http://www.rt.com/news/311494-saadi-gaddafi-torture-video/

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