Thursday, August 13, 2015

See The Matrix: 5 Reasons the Media Is Downplaying the EPA Disaster

A massive federal government debacle results in more than 3 million gallons of metal-laden water polluting a once-pristine Colorado river. At first, the same Environmental Protection Agency solely responsible for this disaster downplays the extent of the spill. However, photos of a river turning a toxic yellow force the EPA to come clean. And all of this happens while President Obama vacations.
Stories do not get more tailor-made for the national media than this. Government malfeasance, an early attempt by the government to downplay a calamity, amazing video, and the optics of a disengaged president vacationing while yet another one of his own agencies proves itself incompetent and deceptive.
So why isn’t the EPA spill the biggest story in the media world?
Why is the media downplaying such a thing?

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