Thursday, August 6, 2015

The Trump phenomenon explained: The American people are on the verge of revolt and looking for an agent of radical change

(NaturalNews) After the mainstream media desperately tried to destroy Donald Trump by defaming him with a barrage of made-up lies — that’s what the media does best — suddenly all the journalists who tried to destroy Trump are befuddled by his inexplicable rise in the polls.
But it isn’t inexplicable at all, it turns out. The American people are sick and tired of being constantly lied to by doublespeak politicians and Washington criminals like the Clintons and Bushes.
They’re sick and tired of the McCain RINOs, the Biden clowns and the same old useless ideas of hope and change which always end up being “tyranny and impoverishment” with a heavy dose of government propaganda.
The American people, I submit, are on the verge of revolt. After suffering for 6+ years under the Obama regime, the American middle class is being systematically obliterated. Parental rights are being routinely trampled. Serious government corruption and criminality is exploding. People are less free, less wealthy and less happy about almost everything. The stock market is a manipulated mirage; the government’s unemployment statistics are elaborate fiction; the executive branch of government is an out-of-control tyrannical regime; and the mainstream media is so full of hilarious lies and truly idiotic “journalists” that more and more people are just turning it off and discoveringindependent media instead (see

To many, Trump is the right radical for a time of national desperation


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