Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Trophy Hunting Exposes the Weak and Mentally Ill Members of Society

One of the most cowardly and selfish acts now practiced by thousands around the world is trophy hunting–the act of killing defenseless animals for pure sport and pleasure. It clearly takes a special kind of mental illness to engage in this type of activity–one who not only lacks basic empathy, but fails to see the greater consequences of their actions. Earlier this month, locals in Zimbabwe found a protected lion named Cecil shot, beheaded and skinned. After an investigation, the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority has named Cecil’s killer as Walter Palmer, a dentist and known big game hunter from Minnesota who is now in hiding and fearing for his life after very serious threats were made once he was exposed as the killer.
READ MORE:http://www.zengardner.com/trophy-hunting-exposes-weak-mentally-ill-members-society/

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