Friday, August 14, 2015

Ventura: Donald Trump is “Shaking the System to its Core”

Former Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura says that the media has been so vicious in its attacks against Donald Trump because the Republican frontrunner is “shaking the system to its core.”

Yesterday, Ventura put his name in the hat to be Trump’s VP, asserting that he, “would give it very serious consideration because anything to break up the status quo of this country.”
The man who beat both Republicans and Democrats running on a third party platform to become Minnesota Governor in 1998 told CNN’s Chris Cuomo this morning that he disagreed with Trump on several issues but that it was “wonderful that he’s shaking the system to its core.”
“We have a government in Washington that’s broken clearly and it needs to be shaken up and Trump is doing and so is Bernie Sanders,” said Ventura, adding that the treatment he received from the media during his run for Governor mirrors what Trump is currently experiencing. 

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