Wednesday, August 5, 2015

[Watch] Neil Young Releases Mini-Documentary Exposing Monsanto And The ‘Dark Act’

Longtime activist and music legend Neil Young is stirring the crowd again, but this time with the debut of his latest mini-documentary, “Seeding Fear.” 
Having recently released his album “The Monsanto Years,Young is using his celebrity ‘status’ to raise awareness about the biotech corporation Monsanto and its corrupt doings.
In the 10-minute short documentary below, the story of a farmer named Michael White is told, who with his father Wayne, took on the corporation in court.
Wayne White was sued by Monsanto decades after he stopped farming. “It destroyed his life,” Michael says of his father in the film. “He went to his grave – this grave – still afraid of [Monsanto].”
Their story is told in this epic short film and deserves to be shared with the rest of the world.

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