Monday, August 10, 2015

Jeb Bush jr. AKA Skinhead Bush

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Perhaps after the revelations of Noelle Bush was a three time dope head criminal in the Florida penal system, only bailed out by having Uncle George as President and daddy Jeb as Governor............

......and George Prescott Bush, AKA Jorge Bush, being a serial stalker of young Jewish girls for almost two years and terrorizing Miama neighborhoods, and only bailed out by having Uncle George as President and daddy Jeb as Governor in waiting............

and mamasita Corumba, an international criminal arrested by US Customs for import violations, and once again only bailed out know the Bush cabal of intimidation ruining Conservatives across the United States, that it might begin to dawn on your wee  minds that you just do not see the Jeb Bush children or senora around the campaign they are all unbalanced degenerates.

But wait, there is more to come in the namesake of Jeb Bush in  Jeb Bush jr. AKA SKINHEAD BUSH.
Yes Jeb Bush jr. also has a past involving police being summoned and arresting him too, like his brother, like his sister, like his thousands of that invading horde from Mexico that Jeb Bush just they breed good.

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