Tuesday, August 11, 2015

My Father Adam Wesley Arnold was Euthanized by Kaiser

In September of the year 2000 my father, Adam Wesley Arnold was euthanized by Kaiser Permanente staff in Los Angeles, California. 
My family and I witnessed the cruel acts that were committed against our father  in the name of saving a corporate buck so 
administration would have a few more pennies in their coffers.
We were devastated by the Kaiser attitude which was basically "Tough Toadies People".  I began studying the workings of  Kaiser Permanente and discovered a group of wonderful, supportive professionals on a list serve operated through - 
HARP - The Health Administration Responsibility Project, which is hosted by Dr. Harvey Frey, who is a physician, and an attorney.  The function of HARP is self explanatory.
During this same time period I met Mr. Ronald Panzer, LPN, President of  Hospice Patients Alliance.   HPA promotes quality end  of life care and has taken a stand against imposed killings in the medical setting.  HPA provided to me  information regarding the  financial incentives of HMOs in general, Kaiser among them. 

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